David Tait

CEO & Philanthropist discusses Climbing Everest and Surviving Profound Sexual Abuse as a Child


David Tait is a rock star many times over.

  • WORK: He is CEO of The World Gold Council having run trading desks at Goldman Sachs, UBS, Credit Suisse and Bluecrest Capital.

  • CHARITY: He has single handedly raised £7.5m for the NSPCC for whom he is a speaker, ambassador and trustee.

  • ADVENTURE: He has successfully summitted Everest 5 times and is the only person to have summitted from the North and descended via the South (starting in Tibet and ending up in Nepal).

  • CHILDHOOD: He has achieved all the above having been sexually abused as a child by grandfather's brother, his father and others. For many years David kept this abuse a secret which nearly cost him his life. His tragic and deeply compelling story is portrayed in the movie Sulphur & White.

All the above is discussed in our conversation.

Related Links

David’s Website

The World Gold Council
Donate to the NSPCC (If you'd like to donate specifically to The Lighthouse, please say when you donate)

Sulphur & White trailer